Referred by nurse case manager
Workers Compensation / Unspecified injury at C1 level of cervical spinal
The nurse case manager had discussions with PRN Solution’s senior staff member Gary Wilson for over two years prior. This ongoing discussion concerned the possibility of installing a ceiling mounted transfer system in an apartment complex.
In the year 2014, we were instructed to arrange quotes for installation of a Lift Care Transfer System. The initially selected vendor was not a good fit for the claimant and at his request, we selected another appropriate vendor.
The time frame for the design and installation of the ceiling mounted track and transfer (from room to room) was two and a half months.A repair to the system was arranged
A repair to the system was arranged through PRN Solutions in mid-2015.
The claimant continues to order medical supplies through PRN Solutions as of this case study date (9/19/16).
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